Fire Shutters
TDL’s Fire-rated roller shutters provide up to four hours of crucial fire protection for businesses, ensuring compliance and safeguarding premises, goods, and staff.
Fire Rated Roller Shutters
Fire Shutters help many businesses to ensure that they protect their goods, buildings and employees from the threat of fire by offering potentially significant delays to the spread of fire.
They can be used to partition off and protect a particular part of a building.
Up To 4 Hours Fire Protection
TDL fire shutters with a rating of 1 hour, 2 hours and 4 hours.
Fire Shutters are an increasingly popular option and offer fire protection up to four hours greater than standard doors or shutters.
Why Your Business Should Invest In Fire Door Shutters
If you are a business owner and take the security and safety of your business, premises and staff seriously, you may be surprised to know that every year many businesses are forced to close as insurance companies often refuse to meet claims because building regulations and Loss Prevention Council requirements have not been met in relation to fire spread.
Building regulations require that openings in fire-resisting walls or partitions must have a door with an equivalent fire rating to that of the wall or partition.
Automatic Operation
There are three main methods of automatic operation:
A fusible link involves the use of solder as a connection in the circuit: heat radiated from a nearby fire causes the solder to melt and this activates the motor to trip into neutral allowing the shutter to come down at a controlled speed.
A fire relay means that the shutter or door is connected to the fire alarm system: when the alarm is sounded, the shutter or door activates.
Finally, a delayed Audio/Visual Warning used in connection with the Shutter is connected to the alarm system and operates usually with a time delay very similarly to a fire relay. During this delay an additional alarm is sounded, warning those in close proximity to the door that is about to close, thus allowing them to exit the affected area.